Remove Your Glass Ceiling

Kevyn Mac, ICF Certified (ACC)

Career and Performance Coach

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Connect with me

Hi, I'm Kevyn.

My passion is helping people grow.

I am interested in building your capacity to meet life’s challenges. I have no other agenda than to support what you seek or to help you figure that out. I believe you have not come to be fixed, but to explore untapped potential, create awareness and identify powerful new choices.

I have an extensive background in HR where I’ve enabled thousands of professionals to achieve meaningful improvements in their careers and personal lives. I have first hand industry experience in tech, consulting, design and higher education. My coaching clients come from small startups to Fortune 500 companies.

Originally from NYC, I'm currently based in the Bay Area, CA. My parents are first generation immigrants. I know what it means to come from humble beginnings, to follow your dreams and to help others along the way.


Coaching Services

Managing BurNOUT

Success has cost you your wellbeing. You’re burnt out, losing sleep and losing steam, but slowing down is not an option. Help is on the way. Let’s partner to uncover new

sources of strength.

Career Transitions

This was supposed to be everything you hoped for. But it’s no longer enough. Have you lost sight of what’s really important? You wonder what’s next. You’re not alone. Greater fulfillment is within reach.



You’ve done all the right things but you’ve hit a plateau. You're stuck and you don’t know why. Take a deep breath. Coaching accelerates your development to the

next level.

"All change is grounded in new ways of thinking and perceiving."

- Peter Senge, MIT

Person Standing Near Lake

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Client Stories

I was burnt out when I sought coaching. It was compounded by a loss in my family. Kevyn’s calm demeanor and powerful questions helped me gain the clarity I needed. I had more options than I realized. I felt empowered to draw better boundaries. I was able to rescope my role at the company and carve out more time for myself and my family. I’m no longer operating out of fear.

- DM, Director of Ops

I came into the coaching process not understanding the difference between mentoring and coaching. I was surprised at how personalized Kevyn’s approach was. He was patient and trustworthy. He helped me identify an underlying challenge and linked it to a behavior that I've had since childhood. It transformed how I manage people. This seems insanely impossible when I look back at my journey.

- RG, Engineering Manager

My goal was to be a more strategic, visionary leader. Kevyn’s coaching created a safe space for me to explore how I was showing up at work. He helped me internalize the feedback from my stakeholders and gave me things to think about that I never considered. When I finally had my breakthrough, I felt such a sense of relief and renewal. It completely changed the way I engaged and collaborated at work.

- KK, Controller

I learned a lot about myself through the coaching process. Each time we met, Kevyn encouraged me to dig deeper. We identified the triggers that caused me to spiral down a wormhole of being overly self reliant, limiting my ability to tap into other resources. I feel more empowered to ask for help. I landed a new role that would set me up for success rather than continue to struggle in my previous role.

- AP, Account Executive

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